Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The Church is losing credibility. As a youngster, I attended Catholic schools and Catholic Churches. As an adult, I attended Southern Baptist, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, even non-denominational Churches. Do I seem confused? Well it can be very confusing if you’re trying to decide what religion is right for you. In case you’re wondering, that last phrase was meant for non-Christians since Christians know that all of the aforementioned denominations are supposed to be Christian, right? As a child, I had no choice but to attend Catholic schools and Churches because that is where my parents sent me. When I became an adult, I quit going to church altogether out of rebellion. In my mid 30’s I saw a need to get back to my faith, and being naïve decided to attend a Southern Baptist Church thinking that there would be little to no difference in the doctrine. For the first time in my life, my eyes were opened. There was/is a huge difference in the doctrines of the two.

What I found was the Southern Baptist Church was actually teaching from the Bible and encouraged me to read along and study even after I left Sunday services. The Catholic Church on the other hand, discouraged such reading and studying of the Scriptures, and instead, relied upon the teaching of the Nuns and Brothers in the Catholic Schools to teach Catholic doctrine. So I bought a Bible and actually began to read it. I discovered that some of the things I had been taught in the Catholic Church contradicted what the Bible was teaching. Now that was confusing since (I thought) they used the same Bible. Now I know theirs is a little different, but what is more confusing is that they also rely on their traditions. Supposedly, the apostle, Peter (the Catholic’s first pope), passed down some doctrine by word of mouth to the next pope and that tradition continues today, even to their latest pope. Some of that tradition also contradicts even the Catholic’s own Bible versions. So what was I to think? What was correct? How was I supposed to reconcile the differences?

After attending other various Protestant denominations, I found myself suffering the same dilemma. Southern Baptists and United Methodists teach conflicting doctrine with one-another, as do Pentecostals and even non-denominational churches. And in varying degrees, their doctrines contradict what the Bible teaches. Now what am I supposed to do?

Of course, no church is going to be perfect. There is no perfect person therefore mistakes will be made on some doctrine right? Not so fast!

The Bible claims to be inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). Didn’t men have a hand in writing it? Since the Bible claims infallibility, yet was written by mere men, is it possible that mere men can also be inspired by God to teach His infallible Word, correctly? Not only do I believe this is so, I believe it must be so.

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13

Why would God give some people the ability to be pastors and teachers, yet not give them the ability to teach His Word correctly? It makes no sense. Therefore, those who teach falsely, either intentional or unintentional, teach for their own agenda, usually for greed. They are either greedy for money, power, or both.

The effect this has had on the Church is devastating! The Church is losing credibility because of the greed of its leaders. Instead of being perfectly united in mind and thought as the apostle Paul taught, the church is divided (1 Cor. 1:10).

Some so-called Christian leaders don’t even believe the Bible to be infallible. Some teach the account of Adam and Eve as nothing more than a story, a way to teach the difference between right and wrong. Some teach that the theory of evolution is possible, that the account of God creating man on the 6th day was also just a story. After all, “…With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” 2 Peter 3:8. Some so-called Christian leaders undermine the authority of the Bible by dismissing Biblical history as nothing more than teachable stories. No wonder non-Christians are staying away! Can we blame them? We have no credibility! We teach from a Bible that seemingly contradicts itself, we separate ourselves from each other by denominations, we don’t discipline errant preachers, no matter how audacious their theology or behavior. Do we actually believe the Bible or don’t we?

The Bible is God’s Word, without error or contradiction. It is the only credible account of God’s interaction with His people. It is the only credible source for instructions to Christians about what God expects from us. If the Church wants to be credible, it must be willing to stand firm in the reality that the Bible is absolutely true, and then teach everything it says with conviction.

“Build your credibility before persuading. Understand what builds and destroys it. Protect it like a baby, because once lost it can be impossible to recover. Use it to gain commitment without having to argue your case.” changingminds.org

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CryTears said...

Bruce, I very much appreciate the fact you've included even negative post as this poor deluded soul who is trying hard to discredit what you've posted here warning others to be werey of false teachers.
Is sad to read his verbiage and use of the English language tells he's not as educated as he'd like to be.

Are you part of a group I had contact with several years ago? Just have a feeling we've had prior contact, but I'm not sure.
Thanks and Blessings to you

Erik said...

Praise Allah (This was first used by Christians Paul convened with in Arab countries, is the same in Hebrew as Elohim, and of course today, commonly associated with Islam, but not exclusively)

There will be 7 billion wonderful works of art by God, embodying the blueprint of Elohim , by the end of October 2011, sharing this amazing creation of Earth. By the end of the month, the world’s human population will reach 7 billion.

I AM has been extremely busy the last two centuries (that is in humanly perceived linear time, since Ja is timeless and omnipresent). In 1804, We reached 1 billion masterpieces, each equally invested and designed by The Creator. That was in several million years. Here we are 207 years later, and Yaweh has been on an exponential course, and we have 7 billion pieces of G-d’s pinnacle living here together , manifesting this amazing love.

The paradigm we all share of this reality continually filled by God’s love in each one of us, is the expression of I AM in every detail, from human to bacteria, to the smallest particle, to dark matter, to the galaxies and supernovas we have yet to perceive. The Universe is complicated, and every macro and micro is distilled into Love. Amen, Praise God, Hallelujah, Hallell to YHWH , Allāhu Akbar, Thank You I AM as We Are.

Each piece of clay has been hand crafted by The Potter, designed purposely with each part. The plate has no right, or understanding to discredit the vase, the brick, or the cup. Each one of Us is Holy as The Creator has endowed. Each is an expression of I Am, equally.

We sometimes choose to see our limited vision as better than The Potter’s. The wonderful thing is I AM smiles and knows each stroke in the masterpiece is necessary for the finished product. Billions before, and even more billions after today are each one created in, by, and a manifestation of God’s excellence and love.

Praise God !!!!!

Bruce said...

Erik, The god of Muhammad and Islam, is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Please take a look at the information in the following links for the sake of your soul.

Articles about Islam and Where Did Allah Come From?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it remarkable that it is ALWAYS another mans doctrine that is false teaching. NEVER mine! Christ certainly showed up teaching false doctrine, according to a large portion of skilled and knowledgeable leaders of the time. What He taught was SO foreign to the accepted teachings of the religious crowd.I wonder how many of the present day "truth detectors" would have been in the crowd shouting, "Free Barabbas!Free Barabbas!"
Certainly there are tares growing among the wheat.
I ask, were are we directed by Christ to identify them? How many of us this day could walk into a real wheat field and tell which is which? Please, each of you tare hunters, publicly record each ungodly thought you have each day. Each act of pride or lust or envy. Each idle word or bit of gossip. Do this, then throw the stones at the ones you have "caught". Let others in the field know who you are since it is so hard to tell the difference.
Once we are done pointing out the "false" teachers, why don't we publish the list of church members? Why do they get off blameless?
We believe that Jesus was crucified, died and arose from the dead three days later; and we then arrogantly point out others with strange fire? My goodness, doesn't the very foundational stone of our belief system sound just a bit weird? Come on. Let's be honest about this. The core precept of Christianity is a stretch for the mind.
God says the guilty will not go unpunished. I do recognize and acknowledge that there are false teachings in the Church.
The truth of why someone takes on this mission to "correct" the Church is hard to determine. Good intentions? Maybe. Pay back? Maybe.
Pride? Maybe. Sowing discord? Maybe? Only God knows the heart of that one.
I choose to leave that to the Master for further inspection. But I warn each of us that it is dangerous ground for mortal man to reason out the perceived error of another mortal. We enter a realm where God has the Divine Authority to Tear down and to Build up. It is so easy to ascend to the throne of judgement and announce the errors of others mortals. But just know that along with it falls a greater judgement on us who make the ascension.

Bruce said...


Twice you acknowledge that there are in fact, false teachers. You should know that the New Testament warns Christians to beware of such people. The apostles who were taught and approved by Christ warned us repeatedly.

“As I urged you [Timothy] when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer.” 1 Timothy 1:3

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” Romans 16:17-18

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11

“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” 1 Timothy 5:20

Now I have given you just a few examples of where it is appropriate to warn people about false teachers. You choose to look the other way and ignore the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Yes God will judge them, but how many will be led to hell because you were afraid to call out those who are enemies of God! It is you who should fear God’s judgment, being most ignorant about His Word and His ways. The false teachers mentioned on my website have all incriminated themselves by their own words and deeds. These were easy to spot for anyone with any knowledge of God’s Word. Unfortunately, most Christians are weak and just as ignorant of God’s Word as you, so I have taken on a mission to warn them and encourage them to read and study God’s Word on their own and to beware of certain preachers and teachers.

These are not stones that I have cast as though they have sinned and I have not! This is not about sin but about judging the words and deeds of people who claim to speak for God but have proven themselves to be liars instead. And of course you will say that Christians are not to judge others lest we be judged. Just more evidence that you know not what you are talking about.

“What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?” 1 Corinthians 5:12

This applies to all Christians, teachers or otherwise, but I won’t try to teach you the principle right now.

So brother, how will you handle the known false teacher? Do you know of any? Get into God’s Word and you will see them as plain as the nose on your face.

Thank you for posting.

Durazella said...

hi I am so shock where I believe Joyce meyer and etc..you know finlan evrey is grazy follow that but I am wake up now.what I do she write me blame my father and what is that she has satan crosses,,,,,,,,help some please I he not good english

Bruce said...

Durazella, please post your comments in your own language and I will try to translate. Thank you for visiting this web site.
