Homosexuals wish that all people would accept their lifestyle as legitimate, even attempting to force the rest of us to redefine marriage. As of this date, four states, Iowa, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut, have legalized gay marriage. Forty-one states currently have statutory Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA), defining marriage as between a man and a woman. It is obvious that the majority of the people of this country do not want to change the definition of marriage. Even the citizens of California passed ballot Proposition 8 in the November 4, 2008 General Election, which, in part reads: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”. And although homosexuals account for a small minority in America, they have major support and sympathy from liberal media outlets and the entertainment industry. Over the last few decades, they have relentlessly pushed the homosexual agenda in an effort to normalize homosexual behavior and to shift our thinking on what has been considered immoral for thousands of years. It is their hope that one day we will forget thousands of years of what is normal to adopt that which is abnormal. What they fail to realize is that theirs will always be an uphill battle as long as religious people oppose them.
Christians who regard the Bible as the authoritative Word of God have no choice but to oppose immoral behavior of any kind. That is not to say that Christians should treat homosexuals badly. On the contrary; Christians are to treat all people with dignity and respect regardless of their condition. But it is important for homosexuals to realize that just because Christians reject their lifestyle choice, doesn’t mean that we are being hateful when we state our opinions on the subject. In fact, it is a mandate from the founder of the Christian faith to try to convert all people to Christianity by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which includes admittance and then repentance of sins, one of which is homosexuality. Therefore, in order to accept the homosexual lifestyle as legitimate one would have to reject the authority of the Bible and the Christian mandate to convert the world to Christianity. This is highly unlikely since Christians would rather please God than please man.
To the homosexual reading this article:
I have nothing against you. If it were up to me, you could live your life as you see fit. In fact, as a Christian, my only interest in you is that you follow Jesus Christ into eternity, that’s all. Maybe what I have to say is offensive to you. I’m sorry to say that I have no control over the message since it is not I who wrote it. I am merely repeating the message that was given to me by God. I happen to believe the Bible is God’s Word and nothing anyone can say will ever change my mind on that fact. Either you accept it or reject it those are your only choices, just as it is my choice to accept or reject all sexual immorality. As a Christian, if I share my faith with you it is not to be hateful, but it is only because of my love for you. God wants everyone to be saved, therefore so do I. If I believe the Bible is true (which I do) and ignore those that reject it, what does that say about my faith? Do I really believe in God if I believe people who die in a sinful state will go to hell but do nothing to try to prevent it? It is my belief in God and His Word that compels me to try to lead you to Jesus Christ. So-called Christians that say “live and let live” and never share the Gospel with anyone because it is too offensive, either don’t really believe in God, or they have little regard for the Bible. Either way, they are not being true to their faith, and they care as little for their own souls as they do yours.
To the Christian reading this article:
It is not our place to condemn sinners, including homosexuals. If they are not Christians, our only responsibility is to share the Good News about Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. If they are willing to listen, it is only by treating them with dignity and respect. If they say that they are already Christians, then their sinfulness should be disciplined by the Church according to Biblical principles with the hope that they will repent and return to the standard of behavior that God expects from His children. See for example 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 and Matthew 18:15-17.
1 comment:
I am happily married heterosexual woman in love with same man since I was 18. I've never had any gay or homosexual activity, nor do I activly support a gay lifestyle bug...
I have many questions, not because of my own needs, but just curiosity and wondering what God would say or think about a person born Hermaphrodite, or having both sexual organs/appendages.
A few years back I watched articles on document/health channel.
There were men/women who'd had gone thru sex change or altered their bodies to fit what their mind told them.
We had a very close relationship with a gay man who lived in a gay relationship with another man. He often shared with us what a hard, sad life he's lead, but he told us he just couldn't deal with being gay. He was very religious, kind, gentle and we really liked Lou.
He was my music teacher many years and was a true friend to me and my family.
I've also seen documentaries that share stories of some men were born females but since they were small child, their genitals didn't fit what their brains told them.
I also have read/heard that a gay mans brain is different than that of a heterosexuals and that their thyamis (not sure if is right gland I'm trying to refer to)
That these findings done at autopsy proved/supported being born gay.
Then when you consider being born with both sexual organs and later choose which sex your mind tells you what you belong to.
And IF you're born this way, am told is as much as 1 in 1,000 born with this, then how could a God who is loving, fair and kind dam this person to eternal separation from Heaven?
So what are your thoughts regarding this? And if one is born with "messed up" genitals as outward abnormal appearances do you not think there may be something going on inside the brain of those who are homosexuals?
We just don't know what is taking place in ones brains.
Just curious to see what others may think regarding this. Thanks CryTears
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